The purpose of the PTSA grant is to allocate funds designated in our annual budget based on requests that met the criteria to effectively enhance the educational environment for NVSD students. If you have a program or need that meets the criteria listed below we invite and encourage you to apply!
NVSD Principals, teachers, or staff who represent an NVSD-sponsored club or department are eligible to apply.
Grant Criteria
The following criteria are used to evaluate every grant request:
• Number of students benefiting from the grant.
• Duration of time students are served.
• Demonstrated need for the project/materials.
• How the request aligns with PTSA mission and NVSD curriculum.
To be considered, please submit a completed online application form which includes a detailed explanation of the need. All deadlines are included in the form. Grants must be used by June 30th of the year in which funds were received except for special circumstances.